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The Offensive Security Program is a team within the Information Security Office that focuses on regularly assessing the cybersecurity posture of University systems to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the University’s data, information systems, processes, and services. The Offensive Security Team does this through actively attacking University systems to uncover and mitigate vulnerabilities before malicious actors get the opportunity.

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Offensive security services Do you need to have a penetration test to fulfill a compliance requirement? Do you lay awake at night worrying about the security of your systems? The Offensive Security Team is available for hire to all UCF departments for a formal penetration test. If you’d like to know more, please open a request by using the “Offensive Security Services” button.
If you become aware of a vulnerability involving a University system, please report it in a responsible way to the Information Security Office by using the “Vulnerability Disclosure” button. If a vulnerability provides unintended access to data, do not access the data. You may not have authority to do so and it may be illegal. If you encounter any Highly-Restricted or Restricted data (such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Health information, credit card data, etc.), cease testing and disclose the vulnerability immediately.
hack@ucf If you're interested in expanding your 1337 skills then check out UCF's cybersecurity club Hack@UCF. They hold weekly meetings at UCF on Fridays that are open to the public, or you can visit their website for more information.